Code of Conduct Agreement

The Catholic Worldview Fellowship is a life changing summer experience that aims to form, network and empower college students to evangelize culture. All fellows are expected to create an atmosphere conducive to learning and healthy spiritual development. This document is to clarify expectations of a Catholic Worldview Fellow.

1. PARTICIPATION: Fellows are expected to participate in all scheduled activities of the program. Exceptions may be granted by staff due to illness or personal needs. Curfew is to be followed by the indications of the staff and/or the schedule.  Curfew is generally at 12 am on class days and 1 am on weekends. 

2. RESPECT FOR PROPERTY: Participants should respect the property of others and be responsible for their own property. Destruction or removal of facilities or equipment of others is not permitted. Financial responsibility for any damages caused by destruction will be assumed by the participant. The same applies to the property and personal items of others.

3. RESPECT FOR OTHERS: Participants should treat others with the highest respect. Aggressive, abusive, vulgar or violent language and behavior towards others (fighting, threats, insults, cursing, discrimination, etc…) is not permitted. Fellows should strive to build a positive spirit and avoid putting down others. They should channel constructive criticisms about other fellows or aspects of the program directly to staff.  

4. APPROPRIATE DRESS: The normal daily attire is business casual. For men, this means dress slacks or khakis, a button up or collared shirt, optional sweater or sports coat. For young women, this means a dress or some combination of dress pants or a skirt around knee length with a blouse, sweater, cardigan, vest or blazer.

5. HAZARDOUS ITEMS: Possession, distribution, or use of fireworks, weapons, knives, or other items that can be used as a weapon are not permitted.

6.  USE OF ALCOHOL/DRUGS: Possession, distribution, or use of illegal drugs and unauthorized prescription drugs are strictly prohibited. Use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products may be permitted, granted they are used with prudence and discretion and in a manner that does not cause scandal to the acting group or Catholic Worldview Fellowship.


Unacceptable behavior during the Catholic Worldview Fellowship (as defined within this Code of Conduct or through a review process by Catholic Worldview Fellowship Staff) will result in consequences to the participant.

Consequences may include:

1. If an infraction occurs, a staff member of the Catholic Worldview Fellowship will communicate with the offending participant directly to inform them of the situation.

2. Restitution or repayment of damages will be the responsibility of the participant.

3. Releasing the participant to the appropriate law enforcement agency and/or the proper authorities if the participant breaks the law and/or is a danger to other participants and staff.

4. Early release from the Catholic Worldview Fellowship. If a serious infraction occurs or failure to cooperate with the staff occurs, the participant will be placed on a flight home at their expense. No refund will be given.